Tuesday, June 15, 2004

They say when you follow your heart the whole universe conspires to realize your dreams! And they say you have to watch out for omens on your search for dreams. And you have to enjoy each moment of your search. The heart may tell you that it is feeling sad. But you have to tell you heart not to feel sad. Because you are following your dream. But what if you do not have a dream ? Or may be what if your heart does not desire. This happens where there is indifference, where there is fear of failure! You cannot listen to your heart in these conditions.

Boredom is caused by indifference, indifferece by inaction, inaction by inertia, inertia by fear and fear by ego.

Ego is present when you see yourself as one and finte. Because there can be many finite ones. When you see yourself as one and infinite there is no ego there is no boredom and that is what living is all about. Happiness!


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