Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Google-Craiglist mashup

Google and craiglist together. What do you think about that?

I first found about the google/craiglist mashup (http://paulrademacher.com/housing/) @ http://www.ypjain.com/anand. Also check out at http://code.google.com - our good friend google gives kudos to Paul for pulling this off.

I must admit, I am humbled. By Google and by this guy Paul.This is cool and intimidating. Google started off as a simple search engine. Today google has changed our perspective and ways in so many areas of mundane life. We search for information rather than seeking it( the old fashioned way). We search our mail rather than sorting it! We do not write in our own little diaries, we blog! and there are so many more examples. Internet was the one revolution of my lifetime. Google is going to be next.

We are always seeking Clarity, Knowledge, Awareness in life. What we currently have is a sum total of what we know(till now) and our perspectives about what we do not know. We live our lives equipped with this combination. Knowledge in one hand and perspectives in the other. If we knew, we would not have any perspectives! Because then we will just know.

Internet brings information together. Google makes it easier to find. End result. We become more aware.


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